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Posts tagged “M4S

Charlie Sheen Evades Police In Movie Featuring Dodge M4S “The Wraith”

Charlie Sheen and Dodge Wraith

Charlie Sheen and Dodge Wraith

In 1986 Charlie Sheen was the star in a futuristic sci-fi thriller in which he plays a young street racer who transforms into a paranormal car and kills gang members. The vehicle had just as much screen time as Sheen. “The Wraith” was based off a Dodge concept car called the M4S.
Randy Quaid plays a sheriff who tracks down Charlie Sheen (The Wraith) for his law breaking escapades. He evades police by ramming through their police barricade, totaling their cruisers.
P.S. The car was indestructible and always “WINNING”.
See the attached picture and movie trailer.

Post by Helfman Cars